Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 26th through December 3

Students in 9th grade are continuing to read their book, The Circuit.  They are also learning about immigration.  They have learned about Ellis Island, the Settlement House movement under Jane Addams, examined some primary documents, and also learned about the origins of the Nobel Prize.  Students also read in class a very unusual book called The Arrival by Shaun Tan.  This book had no words, but only illustrations.   It is a very interesting representation of the difficulties people face when they enter a new country and a new life.  Next students will learning about the treatment of African Americans after the Civil War. 

During this part of our study, students will learn about lynching, the great Northern Migration, and they will hear the song "Strange Fruit Growing on Southern Trees."  I think this will be a real eye opener for our students.  They will be writing an essay about the treatment of African Americans during the week of December 4-7th.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 15th through October 22nd

Students have finished learning about new technologies, including the Brooklyn Bridge and the Transcontinental Railroad. We are now learning about the Robber Barons and the growth of big business.  Students have looked at many pictures of obsolete items from the past and how they have changed.

We will also be learning about some of the violent strikes that occurred during this time.  Finally, all students will be taking a reading exam that will give them an idea of where they might need to improve when they are reading and analyzing primary documents. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What's happening September 27-October 1

Students are doing a variety of activities in class.  They have a packet which should just be about done---we are finishing the Finn Reardon novel.

On Monday, October 1st, students will have a 15 point quiz on the ideologies lecture which they have in their packet.  It will be multiple choice.  Just read over your notes 1-2 times and you should do fine.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

First two weeks of school, Fall 2018

We are back at Sprague High School ready to go for a great new school year.

September 11th Primary Documents are due on September 17th.  This is just a short interview with a parent or other adult about the events of September 11, 2001. 

We will be having a Quiz on the Industrial Revolution Slide show September 18th A day and September 19th B day.  Review your notes in the packet with the title "Images from the Industrial Revolution."

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Final Exam Notes.

The notes for the final exam were removed on the morning of Tuesday, June 12th.  Students had access to the notes for over three weeks.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May 7th through May 18th

We are rushing through the Great Depression and have a number of assignments that have come due. 

We have finished and I am grading the Prohibition paper,
Students are working on their Great Depression notes,
They will be doing a Bonus Army Fact or Opinion assignment,
and we will be moving into the Dictators unit.

Every day has been packed full of things to do, so we are keeping a tight schedule.   I am updating th gradebook regularly, so, students, please keep checking on your grades.

I will be posting extra credit opportunities for the last few weeks as we approach World War II.

All students will have the FINAL EXAM review in their hands by Monday May 21st.

Here's to a great last few weeks in Social Studies.

Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2nd through April 13th, also some extra credit opportunities.

Here are some extra credit opportunities.  They will be due no later than April 20th--Friday--which will be the CUT OFF DATe.  hopefully some of you can watch the videos over spring break.

 One, students can draw an Imperial egg from the Faberge Jewelry Workshop.  I have the actual worksheet for that---so it needs to be done on that.

 I can give some extra credit for the following viewing opportunities---just have your parents sign a slip that you watched them.  Please be honest (really don't need to say that--but am, anyways)

On NETFLIX--look for Raiders of the Lost Art---there is an episode on the Faberge Eggs, the one that was found in 2014, and speculation where the other lost eggs may be.

The film REDS is about the American John Reed and his involvement in the early days of the Russian Revolution.  This film was rated R, so there are some more adult parts.  Please write a brief paragraph about what he saw during the early days of the revolution.

We will be studying the 1920s directly after this--so here are some more films about this time--again, since this is out of class, I am not responsible for any violence or adult parts that may be in them:

UNTOUCHABLES--great film about Al Capone and Chicago during Prohibition
The STING--another film about a "set up" of small time criminals  during the 1920s
THE SPIRIT of ST. LOUIS (the film with James Stewart)  We will be learning about Charles Lindbergh's historic flight so this film is a great introduction to the story.  The special effects are a bit dated--but it's still good.

You can also watch any documentaries on BONNIE and CLYDE that run at least over 45 minutes long--make sure they are documentaries.  I will not give credit for the movie which is something I will not give credit for.

ALSO:  we will be having a Multiple Choice Quiz on the Russian Revolution so here is the information that will be on it---we will probably be taking it on Thursday or Friday april 5th or 6th depending on what period your class is.

1.  The ideas of the Russian Revolution came out of the Industrial Revolution
2.  Communists believed that Russia was the ideal place for the Revolution to occur because it was not as industrialized--so the industry that grew would be owned by the state instead.
3.  Religion was not considered part of the Communist beliefs. 
4.  World War I was a short term cause of the communist revolution
5.  Even before the overthrow and assassinations of the Tsar and his family, there had been many protests about unfair conditions in Ruissa.
6.  Sometimes the Tsar blamed Jews for the problems in Russia and they were targeted for violence.
7. Vladimir Lenin was not able to take power immediately in 1917--he actually had to escape to nearby Finland---and then he returned to take power.
8.  In order to end World War I, and get Russia focused on the Revolution, Lenin offered to give up vast amounts of Russian land to German control
9.  These lands, however, did not remain in permanent control of the Germans---after the Germans lost World War I---these countries became separate nations
10.  At the end of World War I--Germany had many smaller revolutions caused by communists--however, German soldiers who were returning from the war still had guns and they killed the communists or eliminated the threat of a revolution
11.  Stalin was successful in having two of his FIVE YEAR PLANS to industrialize Russia.  He got money by selling off paintings and jewels and even the eggs from the Romanovs to pay for tractors.  He ordered FORD and JOHN DEERE tractors to be shipped over to Russia to help transform farming.  However, because of World War II, he was not able to get the third of the five year plans finished.
12.  A lot of Russian industry that had been created by the two five year plans was ruined by the destruction on World War II

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 13th through March 21st

Right before Spring break, students are doing the following:

1.  Taking their World War I test
2.  Assessing documents Fact or Opinion on the Armenian Massacres and the Flu Epidemic
3.  Taking notes on the Russian Revolution and viewing the film Rasputin.
4.  We will finish the Russian Revolution early in April and move toward the 1920s.
5.  Students will be reading the book "The Wild Children" in class while they study the 1920s in the United States.  This way, they will see how events unfold in both American and Russia at the same time.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Check Point Quizzes

Information for the Checkpoint Quizzes

Socials Studies 9 students are studying World War I.  They will have two checkpoint quizzes.  The first checkpoint quiz will include this information that you will need to know.  The quiz is multiple choice.  Each quiz is 15 questions.

The first checkpoint quiz will be given between February 20th-24 and the second check point quiz will be given between the dates of February 26-March 3 STUDY these questions (which are mostly from your notes) AND YOU WILL DO WELL.  I will be double weighting the exams.

Checkpoint quiz 1:

1.  Was the assassination of the archduke unexpected?
2.  Why were the Serbian anarchists angry?
3.  Know these alliances:  France+Russia+England  Germany+Austria-Hungary+Italy   England+Belgium
4.  The invasion of this country brought England into the war?
5.  What is the lesson from the rapid start of World War I that should be remembered for future world history?
6.  Were most propaganda posters fair and balanced?
7.  Did the Pals battalions continue through the war?
8.  What country instituted the first gas attack?
9.  Did the type of gas remain the same through the war?
10.  What was the number one mistaken belief about what would end the war?
11.  Why were they not able to end the war after the first few months?
12.  How did Germans find out about what cargo was put onto enemy ships?
13.  What does the term "Loose Lips Sink Ships" which was a saying written on posters mean?
 14.  What is the correct word for the massive killing and bloodshed in World War I?

Checkpoint quiz 2

1.  What war weapon killed the most men in World War I?
2.  What group led the peace movement and went overseas to put pressure to end the war?
3.  What country usually had their soldiers depicted in war posters as abusive beasts or apes who raped or hurt women and children?
4.  What country was blamed for the sinking of the Lusitatinia?
5.  What is the area called No Man's Land?
6.  What battle still holds the world record for most men kiledl in one day of battle for one side?
7  Did the Germans continue to honor the Sussex Pledge about U boat attacks?
8. What was the American attittude toward the Zimmerman telegram which encouraged Mexico to attack America and gain parts of Texas back?
9. Did all Americans agree with going to war for Europe?
10.  What were the main reasons for the United States going to war?
11.  What did Alvin York do to win the Medal of Honor (just have a general idea)
12.  Out of the Selective Service Act, how many were selected for service?

Extra Credit Movies World War I


Each film will be 10-15 points depending on content and length.  All extra credit slips must be just a piece of paper signed by parent that you watched the film.  Slips will be due no later than March 3rd--approximately when we finish World War I.

Paths of Glory (black and white film---interesting content  about the French Mutinies)
Sergeant York (black and white film--Alvin York won the Medal of Honor, and this film outlines his growing up years and courageous deeds)
Flyboys (rated PG-13)  This is the story of the American pilots who went over before the US joined the war.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A new semester:

Welcome students and parents to 9th grade Social Studies.

I will be updating this blog regularly to let teachers and students know about what assignments we are doing in class or are due as homework.

Our first week back, January 29 through February 2nd has been a very interesting lesson on the Titanic Disaster and its relation to world history.

Students will be taking a a quiz and then write an essay in class using primary documents.  They will be focusing on five topics:  Class structure, women and children first, pride, speed, and the event itself.  The will watch a brief excerpt from the movie, Titanic.

This topic is very interesting an foreshadows the events of the coming World War.  Students have learned that nations supported the idea of these huge, fast ocean liners being built.  After all, if war breaks out, they can be used to transport troops, which is what many ships did in World War I, World War II, and even in the Falklands War.

Here's to a great semester!

Mrs. O